The clan and family of late Owek Jolly Lutaaya have finally conducted his final funeral rites and officially declared heir.
Jolly Lutaaya , a former Buganda Kingdom Local Government and Cooperatives Minister died after a long illness on December 8,2021. He was 74.
Omutaka Wamala John Bosco Ssemwanga from Ngonge(Otter) Clan where Jolly belonged installed
Andrew Lule Luliire Lutaaya together with Nalutaaya Rebecca as the heir at a ceremony organised at one of the deceased’s residences in Muyenga , a posh Kampala suburb.
Rev Fr Charles Wamala from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kansanga Catholic Parish who prayed at the ceremony challenged Christians to write Wills to guide the family members and close friends on how to manage and handle their estates after their demise.
According to Rev Fr Wamala ,on many occasions people forget to write Wills which eventually disorganise families as many center on material inheritance of the properties.
“ It is also important to have last funeral rites of the departed ,this is not in any way linked to Satan as some people often claim. The last funeral helps in identifying who that suitable candidate for heading that family is,of course not forgetting that every group without a leader can easily shrink and collapse,”Explained.
Fr Wamala’s statements came on the heels of reports that some family members especially those led by one of the late Jolly Lutaaya’s second wife Winnie Namirembe sought to block the ceremony on the grounds that the family should first distribute the deceased’s estate before organising his last funeral rite. This sparked debate with a bigger section of family members , clan leaders and close friends of the deceased saying it contradicts the Ganda cultural norms and customs . Largely a self-made entrepreneur, Lutaaya catapulted from a peasant family in his native Mpigi District to a property magnate in Kampala and beyond.
Prior to the ceremony , one of Lutaaya’s widows Winnie Namirembe Lutaaya together with her children secured a court order seeking to block the cultural event ,but didn’t succeed.
Procedurally , the Inspector General of Police is supposed to sanction the court order and direct the Regional Police Commander, District Police Commander working with the district security committee to enforce it . However , all this clearance couldn’t be secured in just hours since the court order was issued on Friday late evening(January 21) after the majority of the duty bearers had left office rendering it inactive.
Jolly Lutaaya’s children led by Paul Muganga who happen to be the eldest son wondered how their step mother, and some children and family relatives led by Jackson Sonko could choose to block the last funeral rite well knowing that property of the deceased are never distributed to the children before the last funeral rite is conducted.
Owek Dr Robert Ssebunya , the senior presidential advisor on culture who also worked with Jolly Lutaaya at Mengo, hailed the late as a man who whole heartedly served Buganda Kingdom citing his contribution during the restoration of Kasubi Royal Tombs which were burnt in 2010 .
“ His generosity towards Buganda Kingdom was enormous, nothing happened in the kingdom and he never supported it financially . When CBS Radio was starting, Owek Lutaaya offered over $30,000 which was a lot of money then and today,” He said
Businessman Salongo Viva Mukasa on behalf of the Kwagalana Group, a grouping of moneyed people in Kampala, said they lost a great man in Lutaaya . “It is quite challenging to become the heir of a great man . You can see yourself as not working, but you need to be firm and focused, with that you will succeed,”he said
The late Jolly Lutaaya had three wives Sarah Nakibombo Lutaaya, Winnie Namirembe Lutaaya however one died just a year before his demise . He survived with 17 children.