Stop interfering with other people’s religions – Shiekh Kamoga warns

Shiekh Yunus Kamoga

Shiekh Yunus Kamoga , Amirl Umar has called upon all Ugandans to stop using religions as a tool for fulfilling their personal interests.

On addressing various key stakeholders at the launch of Hongera Saana initiative Uganda in Kampala, Kamoga expressed worry about the increasing number of provocative street preachers who may put the country’s security at stake.

“There is a big threat developing slowly , but many including those in the security circles seem not to have realized it. People are using religions to spread hatred.”

He pointed out that on his way from home to the event, he found a lady (street preacher) in front of Masgid Hijra preaching Christianity , which looked to be so provocative to the Moslems. That Incase Moslems at the said mosque lose their tamper, something disastrous can happen.

“If we are to build a peaceful society, let everyone leave the streets and go back to their places of worship and preach from there. Christians should go back to the church and the Moslems should also go back to the Mosques.

AIGP David Wadawa Sengendo , the Director for Counter Terrorism in Uganda Police while launching Hongera Saana Uganda Initiative called upon the community and religious leaders to support security agencies in addressing acts of violent extremism which appear to be on the rise in the country.

“Terrorism is not a security problem, it’s for the entire society and that’s where the word holistic approach starts from. If we get approach of solving violent extremism , there are so many things that we can solve in due process.”

The Religious leaders were asked to preach the gospel of peace among their followers to cover the loopholes which could have been exploited by self seekers in recruiting young people into acts of violence.

At this event, Religious leaders, security personnel and members of the public shared ideas on how they can promote peace and stability in the country.

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