The 11th Parliament of Uganda (2021-2026) consists of 529 members who represent various constituencies across the country. However, as you noted, some members of parliament have unfortunately passed away and are awaiting replacement. Others continue to serve and represent their constituents effectively.
Ahead of the 2026 elections, it’s crucial for citizens to know who their MPs are, which constituencies they represent, and how to contact them to hold them accountable for their actions over the past five years. Understanding this is especially important during the election period, when voters will decide whether their MPs have effectively served them.
While the full list of all MPs and their contact details would likely be available from official sources like the Parliament of Uganda website or relevant governmental bodies, here are some general steps you can take to access this information:
As we approach the 2026 elections, it will be critical for constituents to assess how well their MPs have served their interests. This is the perfect time for voters to get to know their representatives’ work and hold them accountable for their contributions, or lack thereof.