Museveni hints on starting factory producing papers from banana fibers

President Museveni commissioning the Ankole Presidential Skilling Hub at Kashari South in Mbarara District on February 26,2025 PPU PHOTO


President Museveni has hinted on plans to establish a factory that will produce papers from banana fibers.
With this innovation, Museveni said his government will be offering an eco-friendly alternative to polythene bags.
However, the President didn’t reveal where and when the factory will be set up .

Mr Museveni made the revelation on Wednesday during the official commissioning of the Ankole Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub in Muko Village, Mbarara District.
The hub is part of a nationwide initiative, with 19 similar hubs set up across the country .

The hubs initiative aims at equipping over 12,000 youths annually with vocational skills, promoting wealth creation, employment and sustainable development in Uganda.

In response to a request from local leaders, Mr Musevnei also promised to increase the intake capacity at the industrial hub and prioritize the construction of more dormitories for students.
He further assured that each zone would have one hub, with the focus on expanding student capacity rather than increasing the number of branches.

President Musevening launching the Ankole Presidential skills hub on February 26,2025 PPU PHOTO .JPG

Currently on a performance assessment tour on Wealth Creation and Parish Development Model (PDM) in the Ankole sub region, the President emphasized the importance of taking guidance and advice to break the cycle of poverty.

Reflecting on the introduction of free education in government schools in 1996, he noted that it was a significant step in overcoming financial barriers for families in rural areas. However, he lamented that many ordinary people have not fully embraced these opportunities, leading to high dropout rates, particularly in regions like Karamoja, where 87 percent of learners drop out after Primary seven.

The president reiterated his commitment to ensuring that every sub-county has a primary school, and each parish has a secondary school, with a focus on making education more accessible and affordable for rural children. He pledged continued investment in infrastructure, including teachers’ houses, laboratories, and additional schools, to reduce the cost of education in the country.

President Museveni ommissioning the Ankole Presidential Skilling Hub at Kashari South in Mbarara District on February 26 ,2025 PPU PHOTO

President Museveni also highlighted the importance of SACCOs at the district level, urging that all graduates from the hub join them as part of a broader strategy to integrate them into the money economy.

President Museveni also toured various departments of the Industrial Hub, which include Hairdressing, Welding, Carpentry, Tailoring, Building and Concrete Practice, Shoe Making, and Bakery.

So far, 720 students have graduated from the hub, each receiving a certificate from the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) after completing the six-month program.
The President praised several graduates, including Blair Ninsiima, a baking course graduate who now runs a successful business selling mandazi and chapatis; Brenda Busingye, a Carpentry and Joinery graduate; Diana Ainamastiko, a tailoring graduate; and John William, a hairdressing graduate.

These success stories highlight the potential of the Industrial Hub in providing opportunities for self-employment and contributing to the local economy.
Demonstrating support for the graduates, President Museveni contributed Shs 40 million to four graduates who shared their testimonies to boost their businesses.
He also donated Shs 10 million to a local women’s group, Shs 10 million to the Industrial Hub SACCO and also made a pledge of 100 cows to the area church.

The Vice President ,Ms Jessica Alupo thanked the President for the zonal tours and urged the residents to keep supporting the President saying he is the one with development programmes.
Mr Thomas Tayebwa , the Deputy Speaker of Parliament , who was also part of the occasion encouraged the youth to first save and think of spending later, saying, “My grandmother would first pack for us food to take to school and thereafter serve the rest of the food.” he said

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